Trident Media Group C.E.O. Responds To Advance Backlash

By Jason Boog 

amd_spelling-book.jpgJust as million-dollar book advance complaints reached a fever pitch in the GalleyCat comments section, Trident Media Group C.E.O. Dan Strone responded to critics.

In his interview with the NY Observer, Strone explained that he’s struck big-figure advances for plenty of clients, including: CSI creator Anthony Zuiker, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actress Tori Spelling, and James Bond actor Roger Moore.

The Trident Media Group leader spoke about big advances: “[N]obody is forced to spend the money. People don’t spend the money unless they feel it’s a good investment … What’s wrong with knowing you have a built-in audience? [How is it any different] if you’re talking about a name-brand fiction author? Do you think it’s wrong for a publisher to spend a lot of money on Dan Brown or John Grisham or James Patterson? It’s the same thing.”

GalleyCat reader and agent Sharlene Martin added: “I think, as literary agents, we all better get used to publishers ‘casting for authors’ to sell books just as Hollywood casts actors for box office draw.”

GalleyCat reader ExpatJane disagreed: “Honestly, it seems that the plot to Idiocracy is coming to pass quicker than we all want to admit. Nothing against Silverman. She has her moments, but the big bonus ought to be in a higher royalty rate.”