Toni Morrison Graces Cover of New York Times Magazine

By Maryann Yin 

Toni Morrison NYT Magazine Cover

Toni Morrison’s portrait will grace the cover of the forthcoming issue of the New York Times magazine. The publication features a profile on the Nobel Prize-winning writer.

The piece examines Morrison’s career, her thoughts on diversity literature, and her new novel God Help the Child. Knopf, an imprint of Penguin Random House, will release the book on April 21st.

Here’s an excerpt from the article: “Often, in black literature, it seems as though the author is performing two roles: that of the explorer and the explainer. Morrison does not do this. Morrison writes stories that are more aesthetic than overtly political, better expressed in accurate Tolstoyan detail than in generalizing sentiments blunted with anger. Most important, she is an author who writes to tease and complicate her world, not to convince others it is valid.”