Tiger Woods Biography Coming from Da Capo Press

By Jason Boog 

tigerwoods23.jpgWhen Tiger Woods confessed to unnamed “transgressions,” last December, GalleyCat urged the golfer to write a book. Our advice went unheeded, and now somebody else is writing the book for him.

In May 2010, Da Capo Press will publish a Woods biography by People journalist Steve Helling. It will be edited by editor Kevin Hanover.

Publishers Weekly has the scoop on the deal: “Helling has written about Woods for a number of years at People and, per Da Capo, he will ‘draw on intimate sources, many speaking out for the first time, to create a never-before-seen portrait of the golfer.'”

Woods has already stressed that he had no interest in sharing his story, despite the fact he has already written a book, “How I Play Golf.” In December, his statement read: “the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one’s own family.”