Tibetan Marathoner On the Road Again

By Neal 

sakyong.jpgJust about this time last year, we told you about Sakyong Mipham Rimpoche’s marathon run here in New York City, just after the publication of Ruling Your World: Ancient Strategies for Modern Life. Yesterday, as the paperback begins to show up in bookstores, he shaved 21 minutes off his running time, completing the LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon in 3 hours, 5 minutes. Chicago journalist Cathleen Falsani, author of The God Factor, spoke with the Sakyong (right) just before the race, which he ran to raise funds for an organization rebuilding Tibetan temples, and got some spiritual running advice:

“Just be present. It’s so easy in a big race to get distracted. There’s so much going on. You get involved in the whole energy and that’s what happens when people tire themselves and run out of energy at the end. So, sort of know yourself and who you are.”

Of course, the New York City Marathon is coming up in less than two weeks. If you know of an author, or any other member of the literary-industrial complex, who’s running in the race, give us a heads-up, won’t you? Thanks.