Thomas Pynchon, Your Humble Narrator?

By Jason Boog 

pynchonvice.jpgLike couch potato conspiracy theorists stoked by GalleyCat, fans of novelist Thomas Pynchon spent the night analyzing a book trailer that may or may not have been narrated by the reclusive author.

New York magazine ruled: “this totally sounds like it might possibly be him, maybe.” Even the video producers themselves kept mum, offering this cryptic explanation: “The online trailer for the book was produced as a collaboration between your very own Meerkat Media, Penguin Books, and Thomas Pynchon, and may or may not feature a cameo voiceover by the reclusive author himself.”

Despite a bad year for book reviews, everybody came out to review this novel. Bookforum calls it: “a web spun by a spider on marijuana.” LA Times decides: “Raymond Chandler through a Jim Rockford looking glass, starring Cheech Marin.” Sam Anderson was blunt: “I hate Thomas Pynchon.” And finally, GalleyCat had plenty of exclusive coverage.