The Sci-Fi Master’s Long-Lost Pulp Thriller

By Neal 

roger-zelazny-cover.jpgTwenty years ago, when I pretty much read nothing but science fiction and comic books, one of my favorite authors was Roger Zelazny; I must have ploughed through the entirety of his Chronicles of Amber the summer between junior high and high school. Somewhere along the line, while he was turning out all those awesome mythologically-inspired fantasies about superhumans flitting between parallel worlds, he wrote a straight-up thriller called The Dead Man’s Brother, which sat in a drawer for thirty years until it was discovered long after Zelazny’s death in 1995. Well, Hard Case Crime got hold of the manuscript, and they’re going to publish it next February. I’ll confess: As much as I love Hard Case (and, in the interests of full disclosure, publisher Charles Ardai), I’m really looking forward to seeing how this is going to turn out.