The Rabbit hOle ExploraStorium Featured on Indiegogo

By Maryann Yin 

Pete Cowdin and Debbie Pettid have launched an Indiegogo campaign for an “ExploraStorium” called The Rabbit hOle. Through this crowdfunding venture, they hope to raise $150,000 for a children’s literature-themed center.

Some of the authors who currently serve on the National Advisory Board for this Kansas City-based non-profit include Linda Sue Park, Brian Selznick, and Daniel Handler. We’ve embedded a video about the project above.

Here’s more about from the campaign webpage: “The Rabbit hOle is a visionary nonprofit center for the children’s book chartered to create new and extraordinary encounters with literature that will revitalize the culture of reading for generations to come. With your help, we can open up new worlds and create greater access to literature by building a new kind of portal that embraces readers and non-readers alike, and provides a new way for children and adults to rediscover the joy and wonder of books, together.” (via Linda Sue Park’s Blog)