The popcorn is ready to be eaten

By Carmen 

One of the things that struck me as odd about Cindy Sheehan’s upcoming book is why she went with a tiny Hawaiian publisher when she could have had the New York bigwigs at her beck and call. Well, as it turns out, she may well do so, as she’s enlisted David Vigliano (certainly one of the kings of celebrity deals) to broker a deal for her memoirs, according to PW Daily. The book will “further explore Sheehan’s son Casey’s life, his death in the Iraq war and how the family tragedy moved her to activism.” Look for the proposal to make the rounds sometime after the holidays.

Which leads into a Galleycat-centric holiday wish: when an auction is happening, it’s great to know not only who the winner is, but who the players are and what happens when this flurry of activity takes place. Know of one coming up? Involved in one? Send us the details!