The New York Times Reveals Best Book Covers of 2015

By Dianna Dilworth 

The New York Times has chosen their favorite book covers giving some much deserved praise to book designers.

Among the books that earned the honor are: The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector which was designed by Paul Sahre; Satin Island by Tom McCarthy which was designed by Peter Mendelsund; and KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps by Nikolaus Wachsmann and designed by Alex Merto.

Here is more from The Times:

Books and their covers are confronting their own awkward questions of relevance and value in the escalating competition for attention against screens the size of Jumbotrons (or, conversely, wristwatches). To see publishers answer this concern with the craft, sophistication and pictorial wit that go into an increasing number of book covers each year reinforces the certainty that one of our oldest technologies remains one of our most perfect.