The Best Literary Adaptations of 2009

By Jason Boog 

melbrick.jpgWhat was the best literary adaptation at movie theaters this year? Inside Movies made a list, but we imagine that GalleyCat readers have their own opinions.

Today’s guest on the Morning Media Menu was Melissa Lafsky, the editor at Infrastructurist and the Horror Chick film critic at the Awl. We debated the top movies of the year, a list that ranged from Avatar to Hurt Locker to Where the Wild Things Are.

Click here to listen. This GalleyCat editor suggested that Where the Wild Things Are may have been the year’s best adaptation, but Lafsky called it “an over-blown therapy session with costumes.” She picked Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire as her favorite for the year.

Precious was a really wonderful adaptation that showed the strength of the African American movie-going community. They are a really under-served demographic,” Lafsky concluded. “This was a powerful, incredibly well acted adaptation.”