Superman Comic Discovery Prevents Family’s Foreclosure

By Jason Boog 

In a cheery news report, ABC News introduced a family that was saved from the brink of foreclosure when they uncovered a copy of the extremely rare Action Comics No. 1 in their basement. Published in June 1938, the comic introduces the world to Superman–other copies have sold for more than a million dollars on the market.

Metropolis Comics owner Vincent Zurzolo recounted in the article: “The bank was about ready to foreclose … Literally, this family was in tears. The family home was going to be lost and they’re devastated. They can’t figure out a way out of this. They start packing things up. They go into the basement and start sifting through boxes — trying to find packing boxes — and they stumble on eight or nine comic books.”

Despite the happy ending for this family, the article rightfully reminds us that we are in the middle of a housing crisis. During the first six months of 2010, over 1.6 million American homes entered some “stage of foreclosure.” (Via io9)