Sticky Note Portraits Book on Kickstarter

By Dianna Dilworth 

postitnotesChristopher Locke hopes to raise $6,000 on Kickstarter to fund a book of portraits drawn on sticky notes.

Locke, a school teacher and artist, keeps himself focused in meetings by making drawings on Post-It notes. With the new school year, he is looking for a project and a way to teach his students about commitment to a long-term endeavors. For the Sticky Note Portraits project, Locke will draw portraits of donors who give $20 or more and publish them all into a collection. His goal is to draw hundreds of people.

He will use the money to help fund the book production. Since Post It notes are so small, the book will require a special binding. Here is more about Locke’s vision for the project from his Kickstarter page:

The book will be a collection of hand-drawn portraits (originally on sticky notes), in varying styles and color. While I would like to make the book 3” square, just like the drawings, I think the printing process will require a small border around the images. So I am left with two options: Make the book more like 3.25” square, or lose part of every drawing to edge bleed and trimming. I’m looking at going with the former. So hopefully the book will be 3.35” square, with full color gloss pages. The drawings will be as close to actual size as possible, and one portrait will be on each page. Since the book is so small, I will have to use a special binding method that will allow the pages to open fully.