Special Topics in Celluloid Physics

By Carmen 

Just when we think Marisha Pessl can finally find some peace and quiet and work on her next novel, along comes yet more news. First there was that recent New York Times article on her propensity for painting in her spare time (“Painting is wordless. It’s so nice to have the silence, to just express things visually”) and now comes word from Variety that SPECIAL TOPICS IN CALAMITY PHYSICS has been optioned for the big screen by Miramax and Scott Rudin. I’m actually surprised it took this long, but a movie version seemed almost inevitable from the time the book deal was inked way back when…Ron just wants to know if the finished product is going to be saddled with an erudite-sounding voiceover in order to replicate the novel’s most celebrated qualities. But then Ron hasn’t been a fan of cinematic narration at all this century except for the Lemony Snicket movie and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (which, now that we think of it, were both adaptations as well).