So Was There Some Kind of Book About A Kid Named Harry Released The Other Day?

By Carmen 

Cue the perverse irony in leaving town and not having internet access the weekend that HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS landed in bookstores all around the world, but then, I’ve always been one for irony, perverse or otherwise. So without further ado, everybody else’s roundups, news, commentary and such:

  • NYT’s Artsbeat blog covered the worldwide midnight madness
  • Vulture tried bribery and failed, then went to Union Square
  • HuffPo is all Harry Potter, all the time.
  • Waterstone’s reports 250,000 copies sold this weekend across the UK [BBC]
  • And three million copies total sold in the UK. [Telegraph]
  • It was, indeed, the “richest going away party in history.” [AP]
  • Even though none of them were right completely, it’s still fun to read how kids envisioned the end of Potter. [Guardian Review]
  • Pay $250, review the book sans spoilers. What’s the fun of that? [PW]
  • As for spoilers, critics and professors agree that they are hard to keep a lid on. [St. Louis Dispatch]
  • So why are the books so successful? Globalization, argues Will Hutton. [Observer]