Small Press Organization Cuts Executive Director

By Jason Boog 

banner.jpgAfter 20-years at the New York Center for Independent Publishing, Karin Taylor was laid off as executive director of the nonprofit. Her departure, due to “a murderous economy,” leaves the small, influential group with a staffing crunch.

According to Publishers Weekly, that leaves the organization that runs the Small Press Book Fair and the New York Round Table Writers Conference with two main staffers–NYCIP’s assistant director Leah Schnelbach and an intern. The group will look for a new executive director.

Here’s more from the story: “In a phone interview, Schnelbach said the NYCIP was on schedule to host all its 2009 programs. Schnelbach is currently the NYCIP’s only full staffer. She has help from an intern, but said she would selectively add freelance staff to help support programs and events as needed.” (Via Sarah Weinman)