Six Figures? Maybe We Should Look Into This Blogging Thing

By Neal 


Darren Rowse poses with a copy of the book based on his Problogger website, which, if nothing else “[is] probably going to be useful in explaining what I do to friends and family who don’t quite get it.” (It’s actually co-written by Chris Garrett, who provides marketing tips of his own at Copyblogger.)

Recent articles on Rowse’s site include tips on effective Google AdSense placement, building an audience on Twitter, and getting a professionally designed blog (which doesn’t necessarily entail hiring a professional designer). As part of a contest, he’s inviting readers to send pictures of themselves with the book, and picking three of those to get a free book from “I’d offer a free copy of the ProBlogger book,” he notes, “but to win one you’d have to own it already.”