Scribd Counts 50 Million Readers

By Jason Boog 

logoscribd2.gifAs social networking sites like Twitter and GoodReads have grown over the last year, the social networking and document website, has grown to 50 million readers with 50,000 new writings uploaded every day.

Since the site launched in March 2007, publishers Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Berrett-Koehler and Manning have all partnered with the company. Bantam Dell has embedded Scribd viewers within their website. Writers like Tess Gerritsen and Charlie Huston have uploaded entire novels that can be read for free.

Last week GalleyCat caught up with Scribd President George Consagra, talking about the site’s growth: “We’ve grown 20 percent, month by month in terms of unique visitors … [Mainstream publishers] don’t get the 50 million viewers that we do. That right there is worth the relationship,” he concluded.

Anybody else out there using Scribd? What are your thoughts?