Scott Pilgrim Trailer Re-created From Original Comic Book Panels

By Maryann Yin 

The comic book adaptation Scott Pilgrim vs. the World comes out on Friday the 13th. Considering the positive anticipation so far, it is doubtful that any bad luck will follow the box office numbers–thanks to the fan base for the Bryan Lee O’Malley graphic novel series.

In the YouTube video embedded above, one fan recreated the film trailer utilizing original comic panels from O’Malley’s creation. The video is embedded above. We wonder if director Edgar Wright will acknowledge this innovative showcase of positive fan reaction.

In June, GalleyCat reported that the trailer for the film had already clocked 81,982 views. Since then, the count has risen to 233,632 views. The six-part series is published by the Portland-based indie, Oni Press. (Via National Post)