Scene @ Actors at Work Launch Party

By Neal 


Actors Estelle Parsons and Mandy Patinkin flank Barry Jay Kaplan and Rosemarie Tichler, the co-authors of the interview collection Actors at Work, which was feted at a party Monday night at Joe’s Pub which I couldn’t attend because I was somewhere over the Great Lakes. But Faber & Faber was nice enough to send me this photo from publicity manager Kathy Daneman, along with some snapshots she took of Kaplan and Tichler with other celebrity guests like Marian Seldes and Phyllis Somerville. (Probably for the best; if I met Mandy Patinkin, chances are I’d get all sniffly trying to explain how much I love the “hello, my name is Inigo Montoya” scene, and I’m sure he’s sick of guys doing that by now.)