Riverhead Announces Campaign to Support Women and Children in Afghanistan

By David 

kahel.jpgRiverhead Trade Paperbacks announced today that it has started a campaign to raise money for The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a new non-profit started by the author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Riverhead will use the popularity of Hosseini’s books to raise money for the foundation. Here’s the description of how, from the press release: “The Picture a Book Changing Lives campaign invites people to submit up to two still photos of themselves reading or holding a copy of either The Kite Runner or A Thousand Splendid Suns. For each eligible photo uploaded to the Hosseini group page of the Penguin Group (USA) website, Riverhead will donate $2.00 (up to a maximum $25,000 donation) to The Khaled Hosseini Foundation.” The donation will go towards shelter and educational opportunities for women and children in Afghanistan. It will also sponsor scholarships for Afghan students who have migrated to the United States.

The campaign runs from June 15 to August 31. People can visit the website to join the “Hosseini” group and upload their photos.