Publishing Twitter Lists, Part Two

By Jason Boog 

twitter_logo23.jpgAfter a week of sifting through Twitter feeds, GalleyCat has completed the rough draft versions of our Twitter Lists–but we need your help to make them complete. In an ongoing effort to make the GalleyCat Twitter feed more user friendly, we are building a few fancy new Twitter lists that will break the hundreds of publishing posts we read every day into curated, easy reading collections.

We won’t even pretend that these lists are comprehensive. We will perpetually update these lists with your suggestions–send @GalleyCat a message to add your favorite feed to the appropriate list.

Here are the new lists. For inspiration, check the Best Author Twitter Feeds. For help finishing your manuscript, check the Best Writing Advice Twitter Feeds. For help promoting your book, read the Best Book Publicity Feeds. For up-to-date intelligence for your book, check out the Best Publishing News Twitter Feeds. For buying books, visit the Best Bookstore Twitter Feeds.

Here are our earlier lists: For a look at publishing’s future, check out the Best Digital Book Twitter Feeds. For a look at publishing’s socially-networked present, check out the Best Publisher Twitter Feeds. For an inside look at book deals, check out the Best Agent Twitter Feeds. Finally, check out the collected Twitter wisdom of the speakers at the upcoming eBook Summit.