Publishing Perspectives @ Twitter Boot Camp

By Neal 

Monday afternoon, we filed an early video report from O’Reilly Media‘s Twitter Boot Camp in New York City about how fictional characters might thrive on Twitter, and the following day saw a video spotlight on Flashlight Worthy Books. Here’s another perspective on how book publishers can make the best use of the fast-growing social network:

“You have to think outside the box about how you communicate with your customer base,” said Heather Drucker, associate director of publicity at HarperCollins, during a break in the proceedings. “We have to focus on the online, and I’m excited about how I can use Twitter to talk about their interest in books.”

You’ll also want to watch a short interview with Boot Camp organizer Kat Meyer, where she discusses her goal of helping marketers and PR people learn to “use Twitter for good and not for evil.” She explains how social media has transformed her professional life, especially through the ability to get direct feedback from readers.