Pride and Prejudice and Promotions

By Jason Boog 

Following his blockbuster success with the unexpected bestseller, “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” Quirks Books has promoted editorial director Jason Rekulak to associate publisher and creative director.

Earlier this year, GalleyCat interviewed Rekulak about the book, getting tips on building a viral bestseller. The Philadelphia-based publisher opened in 2002, and watched the zombie title climb up the charts. As we reported, the book was followed by “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.”

Quirk publisher David Borgenicht had this statement: “I’m thrilled to be able to acknowledge the role he’s been playing here–most recently in his oversight of our acquisitions effort and our creative departments–and even more thrilled that he’s accepted this new title and will be bringing his talent, passion, and spirit to our endeavors in the years to come.”