Press Release 2.0

By Jason Boog 

things.jpgGalleyCat receives piles of press releases every week, pitching potent vitamins, overseas banking opportunities, and sometimes, books.

The Book Publicity Blog explored a new press release application called PitchEngine. The site combines social networking tools with an uncluttered final product–allowing book publicists to make web-based releases that work a thousand times better than your average spam email.

“[T]hink your plain vanilla release, but online with pictures, video/audio, links, widgets, etc., explains the post. “[I]t was mighty convenient when Ami from Folio Literary Management sent me a note saying she’d tried it out.”

For readers, writers, and publicists interested in test driving the site’s content, follow this link and filter the content to the “Media & Entertainment — Books category.” Releases range from Christian horror novels to grammar handbooks.