President Bush Sells his Memoir

By Jason Boog 

bush.jpgFormer President George W. Bush has sold his book for an undisclosed sum. Washington attorney Robert Barnett negotiated the deal with Stephen Rubin at Crown.

Instead of auctioning the book, Barnett only discussed world rights with Crown. According to the AP, Bush will focus on several moments of crucial decision-making during his presidency, and the 2010 has the working title, “Decision Points.”

Here’s more from the article: “[Bush said] his current memoir would have ‘a lot more depth,’ thanks to his years as president. Although he didn’t keep a diary while in the White House–he ‘jotted’ down the occasional note–he said he began ‘Decision Points’ just two days after leaving the White House and had written ‘maybe’ 30,000 words so far.” (Via Publishers Weekly)