Picture of the Day: Marcus Sakey

By Ethan 

0711081115.jpgWhile Marcus Sakey was in town last week to accept the Strand Magazine Critics Award for best first novel, The Blade Itself he dropped by the offices at Dutton to sign copies of his third book, Good People. It’s always funny to see the reactions of authors to giant piles of their book, especially when they have to sign them. I’ve seen Stephen King give a shrug like “this is nothing” when he stopped by Houghton Mifflin to sign 300 copies of The Best American Short Stories, I’ve witnessed the look in Neal Stephenson’s eye that said “you’ve got to be kidding me” in the Avon offices when he saw the 1000 copies of Cryptonomicon stacked five feet high and eight feet deep on the table in front of him, but Sakey’s love of his new book has got to take the cake.