Philip W. Errington On J.K. Rowling’s Four ‘Daily Prophets’

By Maryann Yin 

harry potter logoWhat did the man behind J.K. Rowling: A Bibliography 1997-2013 dig up? In an interview with Entertainment WeeklyPhilip W. Errington revealed that J.K. Rowling created four special pieces of Harry Potter universe content early on in her career.

Errington explained: “She actually wrote four editions of The Daily Prophet, the newspaper within the Wizarding World, which were printed and distributed by Bloomsbury to the Harry Potter Fan Club. Those four issues are entirely by her. So if you were looking at the author’s work, you would know that between the American publication of The Sorcerer’s Stone and the English publication of The Prisoner of Azkaban, she wrote two issues of The Daily Prophet. Between Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, she wrote another version of The Daily Prophet.”

In the last few months, Rowling herself has unleashed several new pieces of Harry Potter-related writing on the Pottermore website. Fans have been treated to essays and stories about potions master Severus Snape, antagonist Draco Malfoy, villainous bureaucrat Dolores Umbridge, singer Celestina Warbeck, and the final match of the Quidditch World Cup 2014.