Twilight Gardens & Preemie Parents: Coming Attractions

By Maryann Yin 

Here are some handpicked titles from our New Books section. Want to include your book? Just read our Facebook Your New or Upcoming Book post. Don’t forget to include your title’s exact release date and a link.

Twilight Garden by Lia Leendertz: “There are many reasons to consider a twilight garden. You may live in a warm climate where evenings are more comfortable than midday. Or perhaps you’re attracted to the ethereal nature of a moonlit landscape. Whatever the reason, you need a guide to make the most of your outdoor surroundings.” (January 2011)

Preemie Parents by Tami Gaines: “This book addresses the emotional aspect of being a parent of a premature baby and delivers a positive message of hope and action. By openly sharing her real‐life story, the author is able to help readers gain strength and resilience as they support their premature baby.” (March 2011)

Perfect Score by Susan Roebuck: “The two main characters are Alex and Sam. Alex, who lives with a wealthy uncle, is a blend of musical genius, stubbornness and firmly believes in his fantasy that his love for Sam is reciprocated. Sam has more direction in his little finger than Alex has in his whole body. He’s strong, yet of small stature and has developed a tough outer-coating after the knocks of a traumatic up-bringing which left him homeless.” (March 2011)