Passing Literary Judgment

By Jason Boog 

urbina.jpgYesterday Washington DC District Court judge Ricardo M. Urbina (pictured) sentenced a former Bristol-Myers Squibb vice-president to probation, a $5,000 fine, and ordered him to write a book.

In court this year, Dr. Andrew G. Bodnar had pleaded guilty to giving “false statements” to government officials during an inquiry into a patent problem–receiving the judge’s second writing-intensive punishment. According to the NY Times, the judge sentenced a lobbyist convicted of making illegal campaign contributions to write a monograph about campaign law.

Here’s more from the article: “In the sentencing hearing on Monday, Judge Urbina said he would like to see Dr. Bodnar write a book about the Plavix case as a cautionary tale to other executives. The case concerned accusations that Bristol-Myers had made false statements to federal investigators about the company’s attempt to resolve a patent dispute with a Canadian maker of generic drugs, Apotex.” (Via Kellyann Zuzulo)