Pass the Popcorn, part Nth

By Carmen 

Lord knows the New York Post is known for its breathless reporting style, but today’s piece on the book proposal being shopped around by Alan Greenspan and his representatives borders on the ridiculous. Publishers are said to be “salivating over the prospects,” with bidding expected to open “in the seven-figure range” and some wondering “if it could shatter records.” It helps that Robert Bennett — the guy who negotiated Hillary Clinton’s $8 million dollar advance — is doing the legwork for Greenspan’s proposal, so the expectation starts high and zooms higher.

Of course Keith Kelly’s trying to generate hype in advance (however shrill his style), but wouldn’t it be a blow if all this talk turned out to be hot air? It won’t, because this is exactly the kind of project that brings people out of the woodwork like sheep, but considering Greenspan evidently hasn’t even gone to talk to any publishers yet, one can’t help wonder if this is all going to disappear in a flash…

But if not — and anyone’s seen what the proposal has to offer — dropping a line can’t hurt, especially once the expected bidding war begins…