Over-Analysis of Comedy Is, Itself, Comedic

By Neal 

You know that joke about the guy who goes to prison, and everybody shouts out numbers instead of telling the jokes they’ve all memorized, and the punchline is “Your delivery stinks”? Well, Gary Rudoren and Eric Hoffman went ahead and sorted through all the gags from “animals doing things humans do” to “women/womyn,” wrote the list down, then put it into Comedy by the Numbers. To promote the McSweeney’s book, the two authors are starring in a series of short films, directed by former Mr. Show star Bob Odenkirk (who made his first full-length feature, Let’s Go to Prison, last year). Here’s their take on “funny names,” which includes a handful of words you might not necessarily want your boss to hear as she’s walking past your cubicle.

Future installments on fart noises, verbal abuse, and pain reactions are promised.