One More “Backsides” Post, But That’s It!

By Neal 


It’s been over a week now, and y’all are still finding examples of book jackets featuring photographs of women looking away from the camera—now the trend is even spreading to memoirs! I should’ve remembered Felicia Sullivan‘s The Sky Isn’t Visible from Here, because it only came out a month or so ago, but the cover for Stephanie Elizondo Griest‘s Mexican Enough is a new discovery; the trade paperback original will be coming out at the end of the summer.

I’m not sure what it says about memoir that the women in these pictures are smooshed down in the bottom half of the covers, though…

Finally, Glen David Gold informed me about an earlier period when the backside pose was all the rage, as demonstrated by these classic Steve Ditko and John Romita covers from 1960s issues of Marvel Comics‘s Amazing Spider-Man.
