Novella Publisher Seeks Funding on Kickstarter

By Jason Boog 

P1_cover_225w.jpgAfter almost breaking even with a science fiction and fantasy novella collection, one publisher has turned to the crowdfunding site Kickstarter to raise money for a new kind of press.

Earlier this year, Dario Ciriello launched Panverse Publishing to focus on science fiction and fantasy novellas. His first collection, Panverse One, earned some rave reviews in the community. If he can raise $12,000, Ciriello will expand the press.

Here’s more from BoingBoing: “Ciriello’s goal is to provide a permanent market for novella-length work, actively promote new writers, and restore the genre’s core values of story and wonder. He believes Fantasy and SF are vitally important and essentially subversive literatures. With the help of Kickstarter, Dario wants to take Panverse into orbit and become a force for excellence in the field.”