New York Public Library Launches Pop-Up Exhibit in Honor of the Schomburg Center

By Maryann Yin 

nypl logoThe New York Public Library has opened a pop-up exhibit to honor the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. This program was organized to celebrate the Schomburg Center’s 90th anniversary.

Here’s more from the press release: “Located in the heart of Harlem, the Schomburg’s beginnings reach back 90 years to the Harlem Renaissance, when African-American and Caribbean artists and thinkers—including Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and W.E.B. Du Bois—transformed modern culture through contributions in literature, art, dance, music, and scholarship. To celebrate the Schomburg’s 90th anniversary, we have assembled an array of treasures from its world-renowned collection of more than 10 million items.”

Some of the items being displayed include an essay by Arturo Schomburg, the private journals of Malcolm X, and a 1963 March on Washington hat. Visitors will only be able to see this exhibit at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on Wednesday, Sept. 30.