New Website:

By Jeff Rivera 

Just how difficult is it to pick up an actual book nowadays? Even the bookworms, those who live and love to read, who can’t sleep peacefully without having finished at least one (if not twenty) chapters, are hard-pressed to find the time and energy to devote to reading. With the non-stop interaction that technology today provides, one is constantly inundated with streams of information and visual stimulation. It is simply easier to go online, watch last week’s episode of Mad Men, and tweet about it than to go into your bed and pick up The Namesake.

To help alleviate this and bring back book lovers to the love of reading, is a colorful, witty, engaging “blog, resource, and community dedicated to the art & craft of storytelling in the 21st century.” Dedicated to reminding us just how enjoyable and necessary reading is, LitDrift is updated multiple times a day and interaction is the name of the game. If for nothing else, check LitDrift out for their Free Book Friday.