New Business Paradigm Built Around Cat’s Tail

By Neal 

So there’s this new website called, which is (to be crassly reductive) like YouTube for PowerPoint, which I found out about yesterday afternoon thanks to a post at the Society for News Design blog. And I’m not saying this presentation here on David Armano‘s “Fuzzy Tail” is necessarily the greatest thing since sliced bread, but the proposition that “we’re in the ideas and experience business” is a tempting one, not just for online content developers but perhaps for book publishers as well. Would you agree?

Darmano, an “experience design” expert, is one of 100+ bloggers contributing one-page essays to The Age of Conversation, an anthology shipping next week from marketing consultants Drew McLellan and Gavin Heaton. All proceeds from sales of the simultaneous hardcover, paperback, and ebook editions will be donated to the children’s charity Variety.