Neil Gaiman Children’s Book to Be Adapted Into a Film

By Maryann Yin 

Fotunately, the Milk Cover (GalleyCat)Johnny Depp, Edgar Wright, and Bret McKenzie have signed on to adapt Neil Gaiman’s middle grade novel, Fortunately the Milk. The collaborators intend to create a live-action/animation hybrid movie.

According to Digital Spy, Depp will serve as a producer and take on an acting role. Wright will take the helm as the director. McKenzie will write the script.

Here’s more from The Hollywood Reporter: “Gaiman’s children’s book is described as ‘a story of time travel and breakfast cereal.’ It starts out with a father who goes to the store to buy some milk and returns with wild tales of aliens, space-time travel, pirates and more. The best-seller originally hit shelves Sept. 30, 2014, via HarperCollins.” (via MovieWeb)