NEH Reveals $1.7M in Grants for Nonfiction Books

By Dianna Dilworth 

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is giving out $1.7 million in grant money to fund the publication of 36 nonfiction books.

The grants will endow selected researchers and scholars with a stipend of $4,200 per month for 6-12 months (with a maximum of $50,400 for 12 months). The winners include a biography of American architect Louis Kahn; a history of photographic detection; and a history of hunting as a sport in America, among other titles. Follow this link list to read about the selected projects.

These grants are the first awards in NEH’s new Public Scholar grant program, which was created in December 2014. The mission of the agency-wide initiative is to help fund projects that connect scholarship with every day readers. “NEH Public Scholar books will make important and exciting discoveries in fields such as history, literature, linguistics, and archaeology accessible to readers everywhere, and serve as an example of how humanities scholarship can benefit the common good,” stated William Adams, chairman of the NEH.