More Tips for the Publishing Job Hunt

By Maryann Yin 

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At’s Career Circus last week, we collected job tips for the publishing job hunt. Here are more practical suggestions for going out and landing the publishing job of your dreams.

Lindsey Pollak, author and LinkedIn global spokesperson offered these particular tips on how to use LinkedIn effectively:
(1) Update your status at least once a week so that people in your network are constantly in-the-know about what you’re up to which is useful whether or not you are actively job hunting.
(2) Utilize the applications available on LinkedIn. One example is the Amazon reading list where you can share your recommendations on different titles you’ve enjoyed.

David Bass, executive career coach at right management coached a huge audience with these tips:
(1) Know your elevator speech to a T; make sure it is brief, succinct, and gives a good idea of your background. Why? Wherever you go you take yourself with you, so know your story.
(2) For people with several years of experience, keep your resume to 2 pages. A 3rd page is only warranted if you have something extremely compelling to say.

Rebecca Watson, digital media entrepreneur at had these tips for working at a start-up company:
(1) Follow your career “heroes” on social-media sites such as Twitter.
(2) Be tolerant of the growing pains associated with start-ups because there’s less structure.