More Coping With the Strike

By Neal 

“Yesterday,” says Curtis Brown agent Ginger Clark, “my commute consisted of asking my husband Brian if he could get off the computer so I could check my work email. Today, we got up at 6 A.M. and were at [the carpool point at] Bartel Pritchard Square before 7:00, where we picked up two very nice people, Abbie and Bob. I needed to get off in the East Village and Brian was heading up to the Upper East Side. Abbie needed to be let off right near the Manhattan end of the Battery Tunnel, which was perfect since we were taking the tunnel (we always take the tunnel, the hidden secret of Brooklyn). Bob needed to be let off in eastern Midtown, which was also perfect. When I got out on 3rd Avenue in the Village, we also picked up someone who was on his way to Bellevue (another twenty blocks) and looked freezing. I was at my desk by 8 A.M.—one of the easiest commutes I’ve had in a while.” Plus she’s got the annual holiday party to look forward to this evening!

I’m laying odds, though, that many of you faced a much more difficult passage from home to office this morning (I just got off the phone with Mrs. Galleycat, for example, who finally made it to her office after three hours of cabbing, walking, shuttling, and more walking.) Keep your stories coming