More Classic Kids Books Hit the Apple App Store

By Dianna Dilworth 

Children’s books have been a popular choice for publishers looking to make apps out of books ever since the iPad launched in April 2010.

The latest publishers to join the game are Random House and Penguin’s Children’s books. Random House is bringing its Little Golden Books’ library to iTunes app format this fall. The first title in the series, The Poky Little Puppy, was released as an app last week.

This week, Penguin Children’s Books released a new children’s reading book app called Me Books for the iPhone and iPad. The app brings to life classic children’s book titles in digital form. The app is available for £.69 and comes with the Ladybird Classics title The Zoo. Readers can buy additional stories in the app including: Cinderella, Gingerbread Man, Jack and The Beanstalk and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. All of the books are available through an in-app purchase of £1.99 each.