Monday Morning Freywatch: contests and merch!

By Carmen 

Even though the link to Sara Ivry’s NYT story is also in the previous post, one can’t help but be tickled by Court TV’s upcoming plans: “At the National Cable Television convention later this year, it plans to distribute do-it-yourself James Frey-inspired narratives, akin to the Mad Libs format, to enable people to plug fake episodes from Mr. Frey’s book into made-up versions of their own lives.”

I mean, that’s just demented. Funny, but demented.

John Warner, author of FONDLING YOUR MUSE, offers up another humor-laden idea: he’ll be posting excerpts of MY FRIEND LEONARD and award $1000 to anyone “who can provide solid corroborating evidence that the incidents as described in the passage are true.” The offer’s sincere, though Warner suspects that the money might be safe…