Moleskine Postal Notebooks Combine Writing Book & Letter

By Jason Boog 

Looking for a way to rekindle your letter writing impulse? Maybe you should take Moleskine’s Postal Notebooks on your next trip.

These mini-notebooks contain eight pages plain paper you can fill as you travel, mailing the notebook like a letter when you fill it up with stories. They are available different sizes and colors. Check it out:

For the first time, envelope and card become one, with plenty of space inside for your creativity. Send your thoughts on a journey, choose a destination for your words. A notebook that transforms into an envelope with handy lines for the recipient’s address.

Earlier this summer, Michele Filgate wondered “Will social media kill writers’ diaries?” I think letter-writing is a casualty of that same impulse. We spend so much time reading and writing fractured pieces of our experience that we forget to tell our story in the broad strokes of a diary or letter.

Here’s an excerpt from her essay:

Kate Zambreno (author of “Heroines”) is very active on Twitter — and often tweets her strong opinions … She still keeps a private diary, though — which she says is “necessary for my process as a writer and person. I hope I always will. I think I allow myself to document there in a less fragmented way, or sometimes, more fragmented, not feeling an immediate pressure for narrative.”

Welcome to our Top Stories of Summer 2013 series. For all our readers returning from trips and vacation reading, we’ve created a short list of the stories you may have missed during this long, strange summer for the publishing industry.