Mixer Prepares to Rock Out for Year 2

By Neal 

In honor of tonight’s one-year anniversary of the Mixer reading series, which takes place at the LES bar Cakeshop, here’s a video of co-host Rebecca Keith and her band, N** Y*** T****, performing “Monster Eyes,” their interpretation of a song from upcoming guest Jonathan Lethem‘s most recent novel, You Don’t Love Me Yet:

And if you want to have some real fun, the book trailer from Lethem’s Italian publisher features the song with four different actors and dubbed-over narration.

(Just to clarify: Lethem’s reading at Mixer later in the spring; tonight’s lineup features Keith Gessen, Janet Sylvester, and Susan Wheeler. Also, the actual musical guest is Elizabeth Harper. And if you show up a little before the 7 p.m. start time, there might be a special treat; that’s what I hear, anyway.)