Mike Edison Goes 3D In New Book Trailer

By Dianna Dilworth 

Author Mike Edison built a 3D book trailer for Dirty! Dirty! Dirty!: Of Playboys, Pigs, and Penthouse Paupers-An American Tale of Sex and Wonder, a history of  the four major pornographic magazines in the U.S. in the 20th century —Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler and Screw.

Edison explained why he went 3D: “It was one of those eureka moments when my book started telling me what IT wanted… obviously the trailer was inspired by Russ Meyers and great grindhouse trailers of the 70s, but as over-the-top as the video is, it is really a very accurate representation of the book. At the heart of it I’m a journalist, but I want my books to read as if you were listening to a great rock’n’roll or jazz record. It’s high-energy social history for adults.”

Here is a link to the 3D trailer. To see the trailer in all of its glory, you can email your name and address to DDDglasses@gmail.com to get a free pair of 3D glasses (while supplies last). For help on how to make your own book trailer, check out our Five Tips for Making An Author Video post.