Melissa de la Cruz to Write the Alex and Eliza Young Adult Novel

By Maryann Yin 

Alex & Eliza Cover (GalleyCat)Melissa de la Cruz announced plans to write a new young adult novel entitled Alex and Eliza. This book will feature a fictional account of how two historical figures fell in love, Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton.

de la Cruz drew inspiration for this book after watching Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway show, Hamilton: An American Musical. G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers has scheduled the release date for April 11, 2017.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, de la Cruz shared details on how she came up with the idea for this project: “I am a sucker for the popular girl-poor boy love story trope, from Reality Bites to Moulin Rogue. And I had always had a soft spot for Elizabeth Schuyler, whom I used in my Blue Bloods vampire books as well: my heroine Schuyler Van Alen is named after her. After we saw Hamilton, my 10-year-old daughter was obsessed with Eliza, and it was her keen interest in Alex and Eliza’s story that led me to thinking that there was something more I wanted to discover more about the subject. I was originally just doing the research to answer my daughter’s questions, but I got caught up in it as well.” (via Epic Reads)