Marvel to Add an Eighth Issue to the Civil War II Mini-Series

By Maryann Yin 

Civil War II (GalleyCat)Marvel announced plans to add an eighth issue onto the Civil War II mini-series. Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez, the writer and artist behind this series, look forward to working on this extra comic.

Bendis gave this statement in the press release: “First of all, the response from fans over Civil War II has been so heartwarming. Secondly, over the summer I thought of a different, hopefully better, way to tell our ending. It’s not a different ending but a different way to tell it and I am so happy that Marvel gave us this chance to do our thing. Some fans already know that a lot is going to change in the Marvel Universe post-Civil War II but we’ve kept some secrets secret and issue #8 is chock full of them.”

The fifth issue is due out on September 21. The sixth will come out on October 5. The seventh issue will be released on October 19. The eighth and final issue will follow on November 2. (via IGN)