Maria Celeste Arraras

By Jeff Rivera 


Maria Celeste Arraras
made a rare public appearance for her book signing at Borders Bookstore on Columbus Circle last night in front of a jammed packed crowd of fans and flooded by photographers and television cameras. Her inspirational book, Make Your Life Primetime (Atria) has just been released and already is causing quite a stir within the Latino community.

Arraras is a respected journalist for Telemundo/NBC’s Al Rojo Vivo and has appeared on the cover of Newsweek‘s 20 Most Powerful Women of the Next Generation.

The book is available in both English and Spanish and Arraras gave a lively bilingual presentation, reading excerpts of her book that moved the crowd to laughter and tears.


GalleyCat reporter Jeff Rivera had an opportunity to meet Arraras backstage before she went on and found her to be truly genuine, professional and incredibly warm.

What a fine example of a person, first of all, who happens to be a woman of color that has chosen to transform her challenges into opportunities to inspire others.

Jeff Rivera is the author of Forever My Lady (Grand Central) and the founder of