Malcolm Gladwell Stars in Revisionist History Podcast Series

By Maryann Yin 

Malcolm Gladwell (GalleyCat)Malcolm Gladwell has launched a new podcast called Revisionist History. With this project, he will examine and reinterpret “an event, a person, an idea” from the past.

This series, a Panoply production, will feature a total of ten episodes. According to Gladwell’s Facebook post, the first installment focuses on a painting entitled Calling the Roll After An Engagement, Crimea (a.k.a. The Roll Call).

Here’s more from CNN: “Panoply, owned by The Slate Group, is positioning Revisionist History as its first star-driven podcast series. It says the show will be highly produced — the audio equivalent of a Netflix series as opposed to an amateur YouTube video.” (via Fast Company)