Macmillan Saves Ending for Used Book Customer

By Jason Boog 

macmillan.jpgThe brand spanking new Publishers Weekly blog PWxyz shared a cheery story about Macmillan today.

According to an anonymous Consumerist reader, the major publisher send a new copy of Mars Life by Ben Bova to one customer who bought a used copy of the book with 30 missing pages. What do you think? Should publishers salvage more used copies to earn readers?

Here’s more from Consumerist: “It’s a hardcover copy of the book I bought at a Salvation Army thrift store for a dollar. The book isn’t damaged, it just looks like the pages were never put into the binding. I went to the website listed inside the cover and sent them a message about it, including telling them I bought it used at a thrift store. Someone replied the next business day asking for my address so they can send a new copy!”